Sunday, March 13, 2011

follow YuNa to Malaysia:)

Redang Island

Pulau Redang

Our experience to Pulau Redang was one of the best escapade :). Y? It have always been my dream to just be.. FrEE!.. ya  in Redang you can experience a lot of things.. some I listed below

1) Beautiful beach & crystal clear water (of course :) )

The first time we reach Redang, we are amazed with the crystal clear water

Its very clean & crystal clear! (";)*~~

We met Pak Mat  the boat man, unfortunately we didnt have Yuna's picture with Pak Mat, coz the picture we took was in Yuyu  handphone (been stolen in Comuter huhu *~sad)..

Anyway back to our wonderful memories..Pak Mat help in showing us a lot of place in Redang. He also thougt me to snorkel without using the life jacket and how to stand our breath in the water, while picking some shell under water :).. cool!

But the most adventurous thing, Yuna ever done in Redang was, sight seeing the baby sharks under water.. while Pak Mat show us the way ...he held in his hand  a dead fish..with blood.. to attract the baby sharks to us.. a bit creepy at first...  but  very  fun and adventurous. We didnt  bring the camera because Pak Mat is a very impromptu man..."Jom! tengok  ikan jerung baby!"

We miss Pak Mat ..Hopefully we can come back to Redang again!

The Clown Fish

With Pak Mat guidance we manage to see alot of beautiful corals & fish. One of them was, the famous Nemo. He caught the Clown fish with his snorkeling goggle & trap it with his hand...sort of mini aquarium in the goggle.
My self also cant resist the temptation to touch the Nemo coral.. Wiee!
Im Loving it!

Its not that easy to take photograph underwater!Hi hi

Woo and touch the coral we did! yeA..

 ~~*(";) Yuna (";)*~~

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